Sunday, April 24, 2022

Why India is a Nation. A Question that is never asked.

The complete answer to this question has been brilliantly and uniquely answered by Shree Sankrant Sanu in his web page and to a certain extent nicely(for a change) by the over eloquent Shashi Tharoor. Shashi Tharoor despite his 90% defects makes up in the 10% where he fights for our nation on various international forums which is heartwarming.  His book An Era of Darkness also has a chapter in which he talks of how India was always a nation even before British Rule and really speaking the British far from contributing much destroyed the national fabric and the 300 year economic looting of a scale which was never witness in history. India will take another 300 years to come on par with nations due to this economic looting that took away most of its wealth and put its progress back three hundred years.
This article tries to give a background to the topic address what I called an UQ. An Unquestioned Question so to speak.

It has to be understood in two ways :

1. As a positive Question that is never asked and important to be understood for the sake of unity and also really how important it is for this vast cultural civilization in the centuries ahead. To me this question why India is a nation is hardly clear to most deep thinking Indians or Hindus forget our Youth who are still at the crossroads.

2. This question forget being asked indirectly nowadays, but is answered in the format of deep underground warfare operating on small trench fault-lines dividing the nation on the basis of its diversity,  instead seeing the beauty in India's diversity, a narrative is run by very strong Breaking India forces. The book (Breaking India) by Rajiv Malhotra who is a investigative journalist and holds Indian interests first over religion gives complete evidence and facts in the book. The facts can be cross checked in the references provided in the book. He said previously Indians were cunningly and openly deceived, back stabbed and colonized. Now the same colonization is taking place by what he calls the new Indian sepoy network of paid biased media, leftist historians, authors, Hindu phobic International media networks, some blatantly anti-India. This book needs to be read by a self aware generation. Unfortunately people in India are too lazy in reading books and this could spell the death of Indian civilization in all senses. Most oldies still naively think that Sanatan Dharma will never die, it will never die as long as we protect it. Previously the battles of survival were fought in wars metaphorically the Mahabharata battle for example and real historical battles. But the modern warfare of civilizations and countries is being fought at an Intellectual level where the stakes are higher and the losses and casualties are much more. This is what Rajeev Malhotra endorses as the need for more Intellectual Kshatriyas from India not only to raid western academic fortresses which are producing literature and journals and publishing papers against Hinduism and these are the modern nuclear weapons. These weapons digest the entire population without destroying it, in the sense that India will be nation of foreigners so to speak and no one will even realised it has happened. Such are the sinister forces at work that people like Nararyana Murthy, Founder of Infosys, though a person with great intellectual acumen was fooled and cohorted by a very dangerous and intelligent person the evil Prof. Sheldon Pollock. He basically hood winked Narayana Murthy and made him believe that he would work for Hindu or Indian cause. Narayana Murthy without trying to understand or carry out a due diligence funded him for various Anti India projects. Such is the level of ignorance and scale of warfare on the Civilisation. We are all sittting seals who are prey to the clever polar bears. Rajiv Malhotra began to dedicate his entire life, money and time to expose these modern villians and breaking India forces. Every Hindu and Indian worth his salt should read his books, watch his youtube to understand what he is talking about. It will make your blood boil to know how India and HIndus are being played by their very own men. Rajiv Malhotra calls these people the Hindu Sepoys. 

Modern Youth and even many an old person naively buys books of Devdutt Patnaik. He has fooled everyone in the present generation. Very few know he is more or less employed by the world famous Wendy Doniger who says Bhagwad Gita is the most dangerous book, and Krishna was interested in a war of genocide. This is the least horrible thing she has said, there are more things which she has written which cannot be even printed or written.

(work in progress article)